Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Reason and an Experience

Surely, you've heard by now about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to strike out ALS, a horrid and debilitating disease. Many people, around the country, have taken part in this act of raising awareness with the hope others would also donate to the cause. We thought we'd take a minute to simply share a link that might bring this challenge full circle and highlight what the real "challenge" truly is and why the effort, nationwide (worldwide at this point) has taken off. Here you will find a clip of why this effort matters. We hope that people will remember this as the buck is passed their way. Donations are clearly important. Showing your passion for the cause and trying to keep the momentum going matters. It matters because momentum is what it takes to keep the donations coming and the fight raging. It matters when research is needed (not just today or tomorrow). It matters because the video that you just watched is yet one example of why the fight for this cause requires momentum and attention.

Since we are getting to know each other, we thought it might be appropriate to continue the momentum and excitement towards this movement. Over fifty million dollars have been raised by people willing to let down their hair, donate to their ability, experience that bucket of ice dumped over their head and aid in striking out ALS! We were honored to support the movement, originally referred to as the "Pete Frates Ice Bucket Challenge" and now labeled the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The following quote struck us spoken by Pete during the video. "Ok, here's what we're dealing with. Let's go to work." There are so many important causes out there and, as a company involved in raising awareness for a variety of causes and organizations, we felt it only appropriate to do our part in getting to work in an attempt to aid in the fight to strike out Lou Gehrig's Disease. Please visit www.alsa.org to donate.

In honor of Pete and all those suffering from ALS:

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