Tuesday, December 16, 2014

10 Days of Holiday Gifting - Day 1

Today marks day one of our Ten days of Holiday gifting (Warren Todd recommendation style).

Each day we'll be posting gift ideas (and maybe a discount or two) in honor of the holidays. These will include a variety of price ranges, styles and use occasions, but we hope you'll find something throughout the days you'll enjoy! Happy gifting and as they say, 'tis better to give than receive'.

Here is a discount to take note of! ALLITO offers an amazing collection of pillows and handbags, hand woven by artisans around the globe! There isn't anything that we don't adore and, in many cases, gawk over!

Here are a few ALLITO images and be sure to visit www.allito.com to learn more and shop!

**** For the next 24 hours, you can receive 20% off all pillows by entering the code name Warren Todd****

This is one of those "take advantage now" deals. Everything is truly one of a kind and the authenticity behind helping those around the globe is real! In this case 'tis great to receive and give at the same time!

Our second recommendation for gifting comes in the form of a "faux" version of a fabulous piece of jewelery. Dior earings are showing up everywhere. One of the two of us dawns them on nights out, frequently and we thought, for those who are on a holiday budget, we'd throw in the knock off version to give you a fun little gifting option. This is a great gift exchange item as well!

The Dior earings can be seen here. Abovd is a pic (although extremely blurry for some reason):

The ETSY "faux" version can be found here.

Happy shopping and don't forget to take advantage of the generous ALLITO discount by entering that Warren Todd code!


Niki & Trish

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